Shrek 2 Xbox

Shrek 2 box art

Game Details

Platform: Xbox
Released: 18 June 2004
Age Rating: 3
GTIN-13: 5030917022722
Best Price: £0.00


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With the sequel to DreamWorks' popular CG flick on the horizon it was only to be expected that an accompanying interactive jaunt would come along to grace the world's gaming hardware. Console versions of the game come courtesy of True Crime developer Luxoflux, and take the form of a 3D action platformer packed with the usual array of explorative and puzzle-solving elements. As you would expect, the storyline throughout Shrek 2 pretty much follows that of the film, seeing the two love-struck protagonists on a trip to Far, Far Away Land to visit the in-laws. The obvious problems soon arise, mainly due to the fact that Fiona's parents are none too happy to discover that their precious daughter has got hitched to a green and not too aesthetically-pleasing ogre - and so the quest to gain favour begins. The gameplay throughout Shrek 2 sees you take control of not just Shrek but 10 of his friends as well, as you explore the movie's fairytale world, negotiate the usual assortment of environmental hazards, and fight off myriad enemies. The game is split into different chapters and each one presents you with a series of goals and mini quests, each of which more often than not requires the different skills of your varyingly-qualified entourage of controllable characters. For example, Shrek is a big lad and so more than competent when it comes to lifting heavy objects and opening large doors. Donkey is equipped with a manoeuvre that can knock down fences, and Fiona can pull off a rather nifty Max Payne impression and do the whole 'bullet time' thing. Throughout the adventure you're constantly accompanied by a further three characters, which, under CPU control, help you out by automatically attacking the enemies. Now this is very handy when playing alone, but, even better, it also means that up to three of your friends can also grab a control pad, assume the role of one of the spare characters and join in the fun. As a result, you can therefore also enjoy a co-operative experience and play through the game as a team,