Get Fit with Mel B Xbox 360

Get Fit with Mel B box art

Game Details

Platform: Xbox 360
Released: 4 November 2010
Age Rating: 3
GTIN-13: 8033102492796


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Black Bean Games and experts at Fitness First have worked with Mel B to develop the perfect home workout. With a choice of 199 tailored exercises 6 types of aerobics disciplines (dance fit cardio advanced cardio step pump and tone and combat) and a nutritional program with 6 different meal plans with 140 recipes Get Fit With Mel B finally offers people a professional workout and healthy customized eating plan in the comfort of their own homes. The user friendly approach delivered by the exclusive body detection system and camera-based controls will bring you directly into the screen and allow you to train alongside Mel B who will deliver her real-time advice and feedback to help keep you motivated and achieve those results while playing a game! A comprehensive and energetic workout program made in collaboration with Mel B and Fitness First. Get Fit with Mel B represents the first title designed for the latest technologies offering a brand new Fitness experience for home console. Get Fit With Mel B is one of the only fitness game that brings the player into the experience With a real personal trainer and features 199 exercises across 6 types of aerobic exercises: Kickboxercise / Pump and Tone / Advanced Cardio / Dance / Cardio / Step Microsoft Kinect: The technology provided by Microsoft is based on a full body tracking system without any accessory. It means that the game is capable of seeing the user understand his position point out mistakes based on a model. If Mel's making a precise exercise the game can tell which parts of the user's body are not moving according to what Mel's showing. This 1:1 precision is essential to guarantee a perfect feedback. Nutrition: As in NewU Fitness First Personal Trainer the idea is that wellness is also a matter of nutrition. To reach your goal you need to take care of yourself from both point of views. Based on what your exercise objectives are Get Fit with Mel B can help you achieve the necessary level of nutrition from your diet with a tailored program which features 6 diffe