Namco Museum PSP

Namco Museum box art

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Platform: PSP
Released: Unknown
Best Price: £0.00


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There's been a right rash of retrospectives by legendary arcade companies recently. Capcom, Taito and Midway have only just released compilations of games that made them famous in the arcades for consoles. It's no doubt good for people who haven't played these games for a while, but the naughtier among you are bound to point out that all of these games are an emulator and ROM download away if you own a PC or (if you're really dangerous cyberpunk) a chipped Xbox.. Far cleverer then, to bring these nostalgic knickknacks to the PSP, a machine whose creators Sony will move heaven and earth to discourage you from hacking or modding. That's just equally statuesque arcade legends Namco have done, and Namco Museum is a neat package that brings a small selection of their best loved classics to that shimmering wide screen. Namco are never going to let us forget that they invented Pac-Man and it's no surprise to see the wedged-faced circular chap turn up for yet another comeback, with wife, girlfriend, sister, mum or whatever she is in tow, the almost as ubiquitous Ms. Pac-Man. This game is called Namco Museum, not Pac-Man museum, so there's more, and next up for inspection is Space Invaders-alike Galaxian, and its sibling Galaga. There's also the Micro Machines-ey top down racer Rally-X, accompanied by its sequel 'NEW' Rally-X. And before you despair, yes, the collection also includes tunnelling puzzle classic Dig Dug. A handful of ancient arcade titles may no seem the most attractive deal to many and Namco are keen that nobody suggest they are ripping anyone off. As well as the faithful conversions of the originals - which can be played sideways on the wide screen to ape the tall arcade displays of yore - there are four updates: Pac-Man, Galaga, Rally-X and Dig Dug is re-jigged modern graphics. Ideal for retro fans who want something quick to turn to on the train or bus.