Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - Gentleman Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition PS4

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - Gentleman Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition box art

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Platform: PS4
Released: Unknown
Best Price: £0.00


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Unleash ultimate Mayhem with the uber-limited Borderlands: The Handsome Collection – Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition! What makes it so ultimate? Well, faithful consumer, how does a remote-controlled Claptrap float your boat? Introducing the CL4P-TP steward robot, from your friends at Hyperion! Have you ever looked at a Claptrap unit and thought “Gee, I really would like to be able to have one of my own personal beyond annoying sidekick robot that suffers from insecurity and low self-esteem issues and whose entire self-worth is validated by the attendance of friends at pizza parties?” We thought so, too! That’s why Hyperion is proud to give you your own remote-controlled Claptrap! Besides crying uncontrollably at the drop of a hat, this minion: Is controlled via the ClaptrApp, which you can download directly to your phone. One installed, the ClaptrApp will allow you to control Claptrap with either Joystick or Motion Sensing mode. Has a library of adorable and desperate phrases which you can activate on command. Allows you to speak through him, if that’s your thing. Talk into your mobile device and project your voice through the robot. Why? Beats us, it’s frickin’ sweet. Has a real working camera in his “eye” that allows you to view Claptrap’s live video stream on your mobile device. But wait, there’s more! Your friends at Hyperion care about you and we’ll also be including: Collectible Steel Case with special artwork not seen on regular packaging. COLLECTIBLE. 12 Exclusive lithographs featuring all the vault hunters from The Handsome Collection. Why the vault hunters if we, at Hyperion, hate them so much? Because you’ll pay for them, and our greed outstrips our wrath! Frothing at the mouth yet? We are, but it’s more of a medical condition. Don’t forget to get your hands on this ASAP, as we’ve made a ridiculously small number of these editions and you’re going to kick yourself once you see it on eBay for like a gazillion dollars. *Note: The ClaptrAPP App is compatible with iOS 6 & higher and w