The Sims Bustin' Out GameCube

The Sims Bustin' Out box art

Game Details

Platform: GameCube
Released: Unknown
Age Rating: 7
Best Price: £0.00


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Arguably Maxis' greatest franchise since Sim City, The Sims has come on in leaps and bounds since its first appearance in early 2000, and in just three years, the game has played host to nearly a dozen expansion packs. But it wasn't until early 2003 that The Sims ventured onto current generation consoles. Nevertheless, it was a big success, and has spurred on the release of Bustin' Out for GameCube. In the beginning, Bustin' Out charges players with the sizeable task of creating their own Sim. In a highly customisable game, players are free to change all manner of physical features that include eye colour, hair colour, hair style, the nose, the mouth and build. But the options don't stop there. Players must also give their virtual offspring personality traits that can alter they way they behave throughout the game and even affect their posture. Creating a Sim is by no means a trivial affair, and in many respects it can change how you progress through the game. Where many of the previous Sims games were ongoing, with no real conclusion, Bustin' Out has a series of goals that must be met in order to 'finish' the game proper. The main game mode sees players choosing one of seven distinguished career paths for their newly created Sim. Jobs include Gangster, Athlete, Mad Scientist and Fashion Victim, all of which come with a series of objectives. The aim of the game is to be promoted in your relevant field to the extent that you're a millionaire complete with mansion. It sounds simple enough, yes, but the personalities afforded to your Sim have a direct effect on gameplay. For example, a Sim with social difficulties would have a hard time in showbiz. It's up to you how you progress through the game. The inclusion of new locations and a variety of vehicles are welcome additions to the Sims world and offer a greater sense of freedom. Players can now visit mystery locations such as “The Octagon” in an entertaining if far-fetched game world. What's more, the GameCube rendition of Bustin' Out boasts