Youda Farmer 3DS

Youda Farmer box art

Game Details

Platform: 3DS
Released: Unknown
Best Price: £0.00


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Youda Farmer sets itself apart from the farming game pack by placing efficient deliveries at the core of the game. Players must fill their delivery truck, according to orders from occupants in the game?s village, by harvesting and collating goods from various installations on the player?s farm. This lends Youda Farmer an enjoyably frantic aspect, with bonuses and combos available as orders become more complex. The delivery driving itself is automated, so the player can give maximum attention to collecting the required goods. As is to be expected in any farming game, the player?s plot can be upgraded to provide larger amounts in less time and supply a wider range of goods to the village. The player?s trusty delivery truck can also be upgraded to carry more items and drive faster. Youda Farmer Features: Beautiful 3D graphics Challenging levels Wide range of upgrades and crops to grow A detailed map with an overview of the village and farm Variety of combos and bonuses for extra challenges