Harvest Moon: Animal Parade Wii

Harvest Moon: Animal Parade box art

Game Details

Platform: Wii
Released: 3 December 2010
Age Rating: 3

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The land of Castanet is split into various musical districts. The main hub of commerce is Harmonica Town, where you will find shops and residences. Your farm is located in the Clarinet District, which is connected to Flute Fields (which connects to the Fugue Forest) and the Garmon Mine District. In the Garmoni area you'll find the Goddess' Pond.There was once a divine tree in the middle of the Harvest Goddess' pond. One day the tree began to weaken, the air became stagnant, and the living creatures started to leave. The Goddess believes that the power from the Harvest King, who lives high in the heavens, can be used to help the wilted plant. If the 5 bells can be sounded by Harvest Sprites then the King should appear to help out the Goddess' divine tree.The Harvest Goddess uses the last of her power to create the little sprites, and instructs the orange sprite, Finn, to search for someone who can help. Features: Befriend wild and exotic animals, including raccoons, pandas and even penguins Take your animals for walks, teach them tricks and even ride them in races Take pictures of your farm, family and village Grow crops, care for animals, expand your farm and build a family