BattleBots GBA

BattleBots box art

Game Details

Platform: GBA
Released: 20 June 2003
Age Rating: 3
GTIN-13: 3348542172661

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Based upon the widely popular Comedy Central television show BattleBots is the sport of remote-controlled robotic combat. On the show contestants design robots to compete in a fast-paced ruthless competition to see who can destroy their opponent's robot first. In addition to designing a superior robot contestants need to be skilled at controlling their BattleBot and use deft maneuvering techniques in order to avoid hazards and do the most damage to their opponent. The entire contest takes place in a steel encasement called the BattleBox which is designed for maximum safety on the outside and supreme torture on the inside. In the game players control one of their favorite BattleBots from the TV show or create their own customized BattleBot. Upon winning a match players are awarded cash so they can then upgrade their BattleBot with a wide range of weapons and special features (circular saws hydraulic smashers etc.).