New Super Mario Bros 2 - Pre-order 3DS

New Super Mario Bros 2 - Pre-order box art

Game Details

Platform: 3DS
Released: Unknown

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Our favourite plumbers bounce back into action in New Super Mario Bros 2 for Nintendo 3DS Princess Peach has been kidnapped once more by Bowser, but this time Mario has another objective as the Mushroom Kingdom is practically bursting with more gold coins than ever. Each level is dotted with gold as coins rain down from overhead pipes, trails of coins are left behind special gold enemies and gold pipes transport Mario into coin-filled caverns. It's up to you to collect as many coins as possible throughout your adventure. Mario and Luigi can both join the fun! Two players who each own the game will have the option to play the entire game in two-player multiplayer mode using local wireless. Completing a level is only part of the fun! The game records all the coins you collect, and with every level filled with golden opportunities, from gold rings that turn enemies into valuable gold versions to a Gold Flower that gives Mario the ability to turn almost anything in his path into coins. Coin Rush Mode lets you collect as many coins as possible across three levels and challenge your friends to beat your score via StreetPass. The return of Raccoon Mario gives Mario the ability to fly and access hidden areas.