Bit Trip Saga - Pre-order 3DS

Bit Trip Saga - Pre-order box art

Game Details

Platform: 3DS
Released: Unknown

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Master the rhythm-based gameplay while feasting your eyes and ears on this crazy mix of 80s aesthetics and modern game design accompanied by chiptune-inspired soundtracks. Bit.Trip Saga marks the first time the highly regarded Bit.Trip titles have appeared on the Nintendo 3DS and each game in the cult series has been remastered in stunning 3D.Gamers will be hooked by the addictive game play, gorgeous graphics and infectious music as they follow the incredible adventures of Commander Video on his journey through the rhythmic galaxies. Enjoy the incredible adventures of Commander Video as he journeys through the rhythmic galaxies, with changes in the addictive game play, the gorgeous graphics and infectious music will instantly hook gamers everywhere. 3DS Game Features:  Bit.Trip Beat marks the beginning of CommanderVideo's epic journey. Players will be mesmerised by progressively complex patterns arranged in perfect harmony with the driving soundtrack. Bit.Trip Core is the second instalment in CommanderVideo's soul quest. Floods of Visual and audio beats will subvert your mind! Bit.Trip Void continues CommanderVideo's epic journey. Guide the void through bullet hell, avoiding increasingly challenging waves of blocks. Bit.Trip Runner invites the player to guide CommanderVideo as he jumps, slides and kicks through obstacles in a challenging platformer. Bit.Trip Fate is the penultimate chapter in the six-part Bit.Trip series, a side-scrolling rhythm shooter showdown between CommanderVideo and the mysterious Source. The Bit.Trip series comes full circle with Bit.Trip Flux, CommanderVideo's final adventure as he returns to the gameplay of Bit.Trip BEAT combining elements from the other five games with visual and sonic sumptuousness!