Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater - Pre-order 3DS

Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater - Pre-order box art

Game Details

Platform: 3DS
Released: Unknown

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Metal Gear Solid 3DS Solid Snake is smashing through the screen and into your room – with Snakes first foray into the realm of 3D and his first mission ever on a 3D Nintendo handheld. This is one experience everyone has been waiting for and one that promises to flex the muscle behind Nintendo’s small yet powerful handheld. Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D is set in the 60’s and has ‘Naked Snake’ fighting for survival in the harsh jungle environment whilst he tries to uncover a mysterious plot filled with twists and turns. Nintendo 3DS has brought the development team at Konami some more tricks to fill MGS3D with such as the ability to take photos and use them as camouflage on snake immediately. Also the 3DS gyroscopes get thrown into the fray allowing you to become one with snake as you control his balance amongst other things.