Tales of The Abyss 3D 3DS

Tales of The Abyss 3D box art

Game Details

Platform: 3DS
Released: Unknown

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The timeless RPG title Tales of the Abyss from the renowned 'Tales of' series is coming to Europe for the first time on Nintendo 3DS. Tales of the Abyss was first released on PlayStation 2 in Japan in 2005, followed by a US release in 2006. Tales of the Abyss for Nintendo 3DS is an adaption of the PS2 title for the 3DS handheld system and the first time the title has been available in Europe. In Tales of the Abyss, the player can move freely around enemies creating faster-paced combat. It offers a rich and complex scenario in a fantasy setting with anime-inspired characters designed by the mangaka Kosuke Fujishima.